River West Brands

River West Brands LLC identifies, acquires, redevelops, and monetizes iconic brand intellectual property that is significantly distressed.

We seek to manage a portfolio of holdings in well-led enterprises formed around the foundation of great brands, great people, great partners, and great strategies. Our goal is to grow this portfolio through the continued success of our positions today, and the selective addition of new ones over time.

We recognized the opportunity presented by dormant brands in 2001, and have been working to systematically transform these brands from orphans into valuable assets ever since. We are the first company ever to successfully acquire and exploit brands in this new emerging asset class.

Certainly, our ultimate mission is to capture value, create new value, and drive returns for unit holders. We aim to do so through leveraging our brands into the bases for predictable cash flows over the short and medium terms, and eventually through exiting our brand positions, via sale to strategic buyers or other means, over the longer term.

Of course, we also aim to add value to brand sellers, joint venturers and licensors who work with us. Under the "Use It Or Lose It " standard of trademark law, the growing pool of castoff brands can create a big problem for big corporations–missed opportunities at best, and significant risks at worst. Big corporations also sometimes struggle to innovate, because their cycle times are long and their hurdles are so high. We can provide a great solution to each challenge, sometimes even at once. We are proud to have executed transactions with a number of the world's biggest and most sophisticated consumer product corporations to date.

We also strive to be a great partner for creative firms and innovation laboratories, as we are committed to exploring new ways to capture the value of ideas, and are pioneering new business models for collaboration together along the way.

Finally, we are driven by a distinct sense of civic duty. At River West, we believe that brand icons are important parts of the history of "Americana" and American popular culture. When beloved brands fall by the wayside, so does a piece of history... to the dismay of countless consumers, who struggle to be heard, and rarely have a say in the matter. We aim to serve consumers of our brands, lapsed and new alike, and honor our history in the process.